Sunday, January 11, 2009

breast pumping videos

encouraging people to take part in the December 27 virtual protest against facebook, I hadn’t blogged about this issue yet because I thought others were doing a great job. But over the past 24 hours I’ve started hearing way too many things that are getting me riled up. So let me break the issues and arguments down for you.

Question about breast pumping (no detail spared)?

Ok, I splurged on this fancy Medela double breast pump, brand new, days after my baby was born. I tried it, read about it, tried again, researched, tried again, relaxed, tried again, took a break, tried again, etc. You get the idea - no tip or pointer went unused. Anyway, the point is I never got more than maybe an ounce, and that was in the morning, when the milk would just pour out anyway when I leaned over (not impressive, in other words).
I found I could get almost 2-3 ounces on my own with my hand, in about 15 minutes. This lead me to sell my used pump for less than half the price - not a small amount of money lost!
Today, however, I was doing some more research and saw some videos of women pumping, as demonstrations. Their nipples were drawn way into the pump, really far!! I always had the breast horn way mashed up against my breast with the suction turned all the way up and this NEVER happened. Is this really normal? Is this why it never worked for me?
Dang - I just sold the thing today at a huge loss, but there was definitely no nipples-going-into-the-horn, even at maximum suction, with a good seal, and using both sides. Wicked bummer.

Jenny Rivera sex tape

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